ARGUS Explained: How Long Does ARGUS Certification Take & More
ARGUS Certification ensures private jet charter brokers meet stringent safety and service standards, requiring regular audits and comprehensive evaluations. The certification process boosts consumer confidence and industry integrity.
Main Points:
- ARGUS Certification and Registration require rigorous evaluations.
- Certification includes a biennial on-site audit.
- Ensures brokers follow best practices in safety, service, and compliance.
- Helps consumers identify credible and reliable charter brokers.
- Addresses the growing demand for safe and efficient charter services.
The lack of regulation surrounding the executive jet charter brokers industry has long been an area of concern for many air charter brokers and other stakeholders.
So, when news of the ARGUS Registered and Certified Broker Programme surfaced, Stratos Jet Charters was quick to show its support. As a company that was already proactive in its approach to aircraft safety standards, Stratos was among the first private jet companies to undergo ARGUS’s rigorous evaluation process to earn full certification.
When Stratos Jet Charters, Inc was first certified in 2015, Joel Thomas, President and CEO of Stratos, said: “The ARGUS certification process demonstrates a company’s credibility, financial strength and organizational processes, its principles, culture and how it serves its client base. “It affirms a broker’s commitment to air charter safety and best practices over a long period of time.”
Let’s take a closer look at ARGUS certification and what it means for private jet charter brokers and their clients.
What is ARGUS Certification?
Aviation Research Group, United States (ARGUS) is an independent safety auditing firm for the aviation industry. ARGUS maintains registries for aviation companies that meet and exceed its standards.
ARGUS Certification for private jet charter brokers is a rigorous evaluation process. Brokers that successfully complete it demonstrate their compliance with industry best practices. The evaluation covers safety, client service and experience, legal compliance, fiscal integrity, aviation knowledge, and more.
ARGUS Certification is one of two similar processes for brokers, the other being ARGUS Registration. Registration includes a thorough document review and annual commitment to follow the best practices monitored by ARGUS. ARGUS Certification additionally requires an on-site audit every two years.
How Long Does ARGUS Certification Take?
ARGUS Certification for private jet brokers is a rolling process. It regularly evaluates brokers, requiring an on-site audit once every two years. Completing certification for the first time and renewing it can happen in a matter of days or weeks. However, brokers must complete the on-site audit every two years to retain ARGUS Certification.
What Does ARGUS Certification Mean for Consumers?
With this set of safety standards firmly in place, business professionals seeking executive jet charter brokers can shop with confidence. In fact, anyone using a charter service—for business or personal travel—can easily obtain information on a broker’s operating standards, and determine whether they hold the ARGUS certification.
The certification process isn’t just some token hoop air charter companies have to jump through. In order to demonstrate their company’s strength and credibility, qualifying members must first undergo a thorough pre-audit that requires submitting:
- Tax and financial reports
- Insurance documentation
- Organizational structure
- Operating policies and procedures
- Sales training information
- Due diligence reports
- Human resources data
The vetting process also included in-depth interviews and analysis of senior management, agent competency, experience, and knowledge base. And once they have certification, there are ongoing requirements to maintain it, as explained previously.
Why Is the ARGUS Program Needed?
The demand for charter air travel has grown significantly over the past several decades. This is a result of increased individual wealth and a growing demand for corporate air travel to keep up with today’s global economy.
More and more executive jet charter brokers are opening and operating to meet that demand. It made sense for ARGUS, an established third-party independent auditor,to implement a set of regulatory standards that would govern the industry that operates in an on-demand, and often unpredictable, environment.
As consumers began to realize the benefits of private jets, they began to use them more frequently, requesting:
- Quicker departure times
- More complex itineraries
- Specific jets and amenities
Soon, the demand started overwhelming the supply, and as a result, some companies started to cut corners in their operations to keep up. And while business was good, it was starting to come at the cost of substandard service. That is simply unacceptable for an industry where safety is paramount.
With ARGUS Certification, jet charter companies have an opportunity to show their commitment to best practices. For more information on aviation safety, read our post: Five Things You Should Know About Air Charter Safety.
Are you looking for executive jet charter brokers that provide industry-leading safety and customer service? Stratos Jet Charters, Inc., will take care of every detail of your itinerary to ensure your trip goes seamlessly. Our booking agents are available 24/7—(888) 593-9066 (toll free) or online. Photo by Pixabay.
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