Fixed-Base Operator (FBO)
- Onsite aircraft maintenance
- Fuel service
- Catering
- Ground transportation
- Aircraft parking, tie down and hangar services
Range of Jet Charter Service
The volume of traffic flowing through an airport has a tremendous impact on the success of an FBO. The bigger and busier an airport is, the better it is for the company. Also, you’ll tend to find a wider range of jet charter service options at larger airport. Smaller ones airport tend to offer the basic necessities, such as fueling services. Other useful service options that FBOs provide include:- Lavatory service
- Wi-fi access
- Ground power units (GPUs)
- And like any commercial enterprise, most FBOs keep regular business hours to meet the demand of peak travel periods. This will usually coincide with the airport operating hours.
FBO is a commonly used aviation acronym that stands for Fixed-Base Operator. FBOs are companies that provide a range of essential aeronautical services for general, private and commercial aviation. Many provide jet charter service for things like:
- Onsite aircraft maintenance
- Fuel service
- Catering
- Ground transportation
- Aircraft parking, tie down and hangar services
In most cases, FBOs operate right at the airport. In order to do so they must permitted by the airport operator. That could be a government body, such as a municipal or county airport, or one that’s privately owned. In some cases, the government body will provide its own FBO facilities and services.
For obvious reasons, having the ability to provide jet charter service at an airport is a major convenience, as this is where aircraft live when they’re not in service.
Range of Jet Charter Service
The volume of traffic flowing through an airport has a tremendous impact on the success of an FBO. The bigger and busier an airport is, the better it is for the company. Also, you’ll tend to find a wider range of jet charter service options at larger airport. Smaller ones airport tend to offer the basic necessities, such as fueling services.
Other useful service options that FBOs provide include:
- Lavatory service
- Wi-fi access
- Ground power units (GPUs)
- And like any commercial enterprise, most FBOs keep regular business hours to meet the demand of peak travel periods. This will usually coincide with the airport operating hours.