Medevac is short for medical evacuation. A medevac service, also known as an air ambulance jet charter in the aviation industry, transfers patients to an area or facility where they can receive medical attention. While a medevac often involves either a plane or helicopter, it can also refer to a ground evacuation using a vehicle. There are many reasons why a patient could require a medevac:
- Extract someone from a hazardous environment, such as an accident scene
- Transfer a patient to a medical facility that offers specialized care
- Transfer wounded military personnel from the battlefield
Getting Medical Care Quickly
Because obstacles on the ground do not impede it, an air ambulance jet charter can be counted upon to transport the ill and/or wounded quickly and efficiently. You’ll find that most hospitals feature a helipad dedicated to medevac operations. In addition to transporting patients, medevacs often transport medical personnel and equipment needed to perform treatments. This could include:
- Doctors and specialists
- Organs for transplants
- Medical supplies and equipment
Air ambulance jet charter operators must meet certain safety standards before the Federal Aviation Administration will certify them. This includes having new safety technology onboard air ambulance aircraft, as well as adopting protocols on the ground to ensure the safety of crews and patients alike.
Medevac is short for medical evacuation. A medevac service, also known as an air ambulance jet charter in the aviation industry, transfers patients to an area or facility where they can receive medical attention. While a medevac often involves either a plane or helicopter, it can also refer to a ground evacuation using a vehicle. There are many reasons why a patient could require a medevac:
- Extract someone from a hazardous environment, such as an accident scene
- Transfer a patient to a medical facility that offers specialized care
- Transfer wounded military personnel from the battlefield
Getting Medical Care Quickly
Because obstacles on the ground do not impede it, an air ambulance jet charter can be counted upon to transport the ill and/or wounded quickly and efficiently. You’ll find that most hospitals feature a helipad dedicated to medevac operations. In addition to transporting patients, medevacs often transport medical personnel and equipment needed to perform treatments. This could include:
- Doctors and specialists
- Organs for transplants
- Medical supplies and equipment
Air ambulance jet charter operators must meet certain safety standards before the Federal Aviation Administration will certify them. This includes having new safety technology onboard air ambulance aircraft, as well as adopting protocols on the ground to ensure the safety of crews and patients alike.