Talking #Tourists 2
How Your State Feels About Tourists
Someone just mocked me for wearing my coat while he wore shorts and a tee. There’s a #coldbreeze. Leave me alone #tourist. #LAweather
— Blue (@playingblue) May 19, 2015
And who could blame us? They might be a big part of the economy, but they’re also ruining our views, overrunning our favorite local restaurants, and literally killing themselves while trying to take that perfect selfie. Of course, while sentiments run negative across most states, there are a few havens where tourists are seen in a more positive light. Washington, Illinois, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Vermont all tweet more good than bad when it comes to their visitors.
Love and Hate, Then and Now
Want to Feel the Tourist Love? Visit These Cities.
Be nice to the #tourist. But put yourself first.#SignOfTheTimes. Go local or go home.
— (@FemiAbodunde) January 17, 2017
For sand, sunshine, and locals who are happy to have you around, try Key West, Florida. For a cooler coastal backdrop, Boston, Massachusetts, is the place to be. And if it’s country music and southern comfort you’re craving, Nashville, Tennessee, would be happy to have you, too.
Least Welcoming Cities for Tourists
!#@%$! Tourists!
Go Home, Tourists
#tourist has never seen drama on public transit. Calls cops. Delays everyone. #california is just too out of control. Go home.
— gary scott (@gw_scott) April 22, 2017
Giving Tourists a Little More Love
There are plenty of awful stories about tourists, like those who kill baby dolphins and interfere with bison, overrun ancient cities, and spoil previously unspoiled beach towns. But there are also plenty of communities that benefit greatly from the influx of vacationers, plenty of reasons to celebrate and love tourists – from an influx of tourism dollars to an increase in local amenities to a rise in local diversity of both backgrounds and opinions. (And don’t forget, most of us are tourists at one time or another – so they can’t be all bad.)
We pulled 62,881 geotagged tweets from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 containing the terms “tourist” and “tourists” and posts containing #tourist or #tourists. We ran the tweets through the AlchemyAPI sentiment analysis to determine how positive or negative each city’s and state’s tourist-related tweets were.
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